I am unable to take new mediation clients at this time.

Conflict Changes Us.

Communication is the Tool Through.

Most people facing a conflict, whether it is a separation with a partner, dispute with a loved one, or a transition at work, find themselves struggling with feelings of anger, frustration, loneliness and doubt while trying to navigate the unfamiliar and often confusing new situation.   They confront significant decisions that will impact their future just as communication breaks down and stress overwhelms their best decision making abilities.  Sara Bensman provides individuals, couples and groups a path through this process that maintains dignity and points toward peace and sustainability and away from the "scorched earth" results of typical divorce proceedings, antagonistic relationships or conflict situations.

Mediation is simply the art of helping people have a good conversation.

Often when we’re in conflict, it is difficult to express ourselves, listen to the other person and keep to the important matters. Working with a mediator creates a safer environment so that people can stay calm enough to make good decisions for themselves and the people they love.

Participants in family mediation create tailor-made solutions for: 

  • divorce and separation

  • post-separation co-parenting challenges

  • family conflict


The Art of


For some parents who have split up, the job of raising children together becomes extremely challenging.  These parents find themselves fighting more than collaborating toward their children's best interest.  Often, they end up using the court system in an attempt to right their course and that often leads them down the path of increased hostility and decreased trust.

Parents know that this is hard on the children, but they can’t find their way out of the maze of conflict. Mediation can provide a supportive structure for moving beyond these patterns.

In eight years of parent mediation, Sara is by far the most successful experience. Her presence alone has been reassuring, safe, calm and caring. She seems to embody her work. I always felt seen and heard, and that my relationship to my children’s father really grew through our sessions with Sara, that we had more shared goals, vision and compassion for each other after our mediation.
— Mary L.

A Collaborative Approach for Separating

I appreciate Sara’s way of viewing both sides and trying to make it as fair as possible for both of us considering the situation.”

Divorce can be a frightening and confusing process.  You have to plan for a new future, but you don't know what that future will look like.  You face emotional, logistical and legal concerns without the support of your partner.  Often in opposition to your partner.  When people are in conflict, communication tends to break down- right when they need it the most.

I help couples transitioning out of their relationship and sort out the logistics of the separation or divorce.

The agreements made in the divorce mediation process are typically used as the basis of the separation agreement, which can be drawn up by an attorney and filed in court. Divorce mediation helps couples avoid the back and forth, adversarial approach of attorney-driven divorce and allows them to build a positive post-separation, working relationship.

Online Mediation

There are times when it is too difficult to bring both parties into the same office for a mediation.  Maybe you live far apart, or the stress of being together gets in the way of productive conversation and decision making.  In those cases, online mediation provides a simple solution that might be perfect for you.

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Every situation is unique. Please contact Sara to set up a free 15 minute phone consultation.

What Clients Say

Thank you for your kindness, skill and persistence in the mediation process. Only a couple of days after we saw you last, I was able to believe that L didn’t do his stuff on purpose. We signed the papers and did the tangibles last week. I feel like I have come ashore from a shipwreck after swimming and rowing a lifeboat for quite a while. There is a great deal of relief and I am now in a restoration phase. Things are becoming ever more peaceful in my mind and heart.”

”Mediation was helpful in being able to resolve differences that would otherwise be hard to negotiate.”

“I’m very, very, very grateful for the professional parameters of a mediation session. Sara’s skills were exceptional!”

”Sara is an outstanding mediator who is able to assist individuals in navigating difficult situations fraught with emotion in a calm and peaceful manner. She has exceptional outcomes. She is very personable, approachable, and excellent at making all parties feel heard.”
— Former clients

Online Mediation

There are times when it is too difficult to bring both parties into the same office for a mediation or parenting coordination. Maybe they live far apart or the stress of being together gets in the way.  In those cases, online services provides a simple solution.  

Online mediation and parenting coordination works exactly like the face to face version.  After receiving simple instructions to log on, the two parties come together on a video conference call with the mediator/PC.  On the call, they can each see each other and the facilitator.  They can share documents such as calendars or financial records and see the draft agreements as they're written up.  All that is needed is a good internet connection and a computer with a webcam, microphone and speakers.